Monday, September 3, 2012

what is a magpie mobile?

It is the Scion xD navigated by Captain Magdalena Squalor and manned by two under-aged trash ninjas.

What can this magpie mobile do for you?

If you are in Crozet or Charlottesville it can swing by and pick up your clutter. Schedule  a pick up at Just leave it out in bags or boxes and we will make sure it is sorted and brought somewhere it will be re-used. Also drop me a line if you know of a cool free store or charitable gig to connect with.

Why are we doing this thing? 

Because there is more than enough stuff to go around.
Because we like picking through trash.
Because I am probably headed to some kind of free store anyway.

What happens to the stuff?

First we sort it.

Next, items are delivered primarily to places where they will be shared for free, such as:

*Christmas in Buckingham
(hand delivers gifts to rural people, many of whom do not have cars or get out much)
*Book Recycling trailers in Charlottesville and Nellysford
*Hinton Avenue Church Clothes Closet
*Free little library on Palatine Ave
*Really, Really Free Market in November at Random Row
*Pop-up free store (if we get our act together)

Will I take a thing or two for myself to keep or to sell on Amazon or in my antique stall?

Yes, I am not above that. A scavenger  must pay the bills.